All posts by timwalker317526

Message Congruency in Medical Device Commercialization

The Story

Have you ever seen messaging related to a new product that was clearly disjointed? Maybe you saw a tradeshow booth that spoke of the product a bit differently than the sales brochure and the salesman’s pitch was a different story all together?

A VP of Marketing hired me to figure out why their dynamite new product wasn’t gaining the momentum that they had expected. This is one of the most enjoyable and potentially beneficial services that I get to perform for clients. Consider it a launch autopsy.

There are many other causes for a slow takeoff of a new product. For this particular client the issue was a confusing message.   So confusing that one might describe it as conflicting. Why is this a big deal? Walker’s Law of Congruency™ states, “As human beings we seek congruency. We constantly are trying to connect the dots. The price has to match the value of the product. The color schemes have to represent the claims, etc. When our minds detect an incongruent message we start to doubt everything about the issue or in our case the product. The customer loses trust in the product.”

How do we prevent incongruent messages as marketers? There are lots of factors, but simply we need to know exactly what our message is, more importantly everyone that is working on or near the launch must understand the message.

How do we stay on message?

We write. We publish the five documents that then serve as the source for every piece of collateral, every training script, every creative brief.

  • Segmentation
  • Targeting (user and buyer)
  • Product positioning statement
  • Product value proposition
  • Pricing strategy

These are the five documents that act as the base. Everything else flows from here.


In addition to these five basic documents there is a format to the story line. It is not mine; it is something that is adapted from other sources.

  • Problem statement
  • Solution statement
  • Reasons to believe
  • Proof set
  • Call to action

If you publish the five core documents and keep any promotional materials and sales pitches in the five-element format it is unlikely that you will have incongruent or even worst conflicting messages.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.


© 2015 The Experia Group, LLC

STP Marketing Brings FOCUS to Medical Device Commercialization

The Story

A couple of years back, I was leading a discussion with a group of Product Mangers about, “Getting the Message Heard” in the crowded arena of Medical Device Marketing. The group felt as though their product messages were getting over shadowed by the “Big Boys”.   They were complaining that to reach every physician in the relevant specialty they would have to spend an enormous amount of money.

The question I asked in return was, “why are you trying to reach every physician?”

I received several blank stares, a few chuckles, and a yawn. The conversation turned toward the power of FOCUS. My follow up question was, “When you are in a crowded room, say a cocktail party, how do you make sure you are hearing the person that you are talking with?” The responses: get closer to them, lean in, watch their lips to see if I can see what they are saying, isolate them in a quieter location, if it is important we leave the room.

The last question was, “what do all those techniques have in common?” The response: FOCUS. By increasing the Focus, concentrating our attention on the one voice that was important made their message and in return our message get through.


So what is the allegory in marketing? Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP). STP Marketing is the thought construct that provides a vehicle for bringing focus, narrowing the beam, to those physicians who are most likely to want to use the device that you are preparing to launch.

Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

For this post, I am really just trying to introduce the topic. There will be subsequent posts that go more into detail about each of these three elements. There are whole books dedicated to STP marketing and I encourage you to read them. The really cool aspect of STP marketing is that it can be used upfront in the new product development process to determine where the next right device opportunity is, or at the backend to focus the messaging of a device that you have inherited.

When you think about STP marketing or if you are trying to explain it to a colleague or supervisor I use the analogy of hunting.   Perhaps not politically correct but quite effective in getting the concept across.

Segmentation – Identifying the part of the forest you should hunt in. Typically looking for habitat that is conducive for your desired prey.

Targeting – Knowing the nature of your quarry to an extent that you are excluding large numbers of alternative quarries.

Positioning – Using the right equipment, bait, where to build your blind, what type of call or decoy might be helpful.

Practical Example

My first successful application of STP marketing was quite by accident. The device that we were commercializing was used to cool a blood-based mixture referred to as cardioplegia. This particular device utilized counter-current flow to optimize the efficiency of heat transfer.   It also featured two other features, it had the lowest priming volume of any competitive devices and it was easy to use, once you had it set-up.

3M Plain & Simple

Segmentation – hospitals with high procedure volume (ease of use), a focus on pediatric surgery (low priming volumes), which believed in cold-blood cardioplegia, had an active PTCA practice (quick set up required), and was a teaching hospital (ease of use)(more likely to have University educated Chief Perfusionists).

Targeting – In those hospitals identified above, the probability of success went up dramatically if the Chief Perfusionist was a graduate of The Ohio State University Perfusion program. Why, because on the final exam was a physics question, ‘Which type of flow is most efficient when trying to remove heat from blood?’   The answer, “counter-current flow.” No selling or education was needed from the sales representative; they were already biased to believe.

Positioning – For perfusionist who are required to provide cold blood cardiolpegia in the most demanding of environments. The [device name] provides the most efficient cooling, lowest prime, and over all easiest to use system on the market. Utilizing a heat exchanger technology that maximizes cooling surface area, uses the most efficient exchange method (counter-current flow) all packaged in an innovative compact housing to minimize prime volumes.

The [device] went on to become the market share leader at a premium price.

STP thinking is not easy to reduce to practice with meaningful results. It requires a good deal of insight that can only come from un-paralleled understanding of your customers. For me, Segmentation is always the greatest challenge. To make it meaningful and differentiated from the competition requires a truly unique perspective.


More to come…

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.


© 2015 The Experia Group, LLC

Hard and Soft Cost Reduction defined for Medical Devices

The Story

I received a text, after the Value Proposition post, from a colleague who asked me to define the difference between Hard and Soft cost savings. This is the response to that request.

The Context

From the Value Proposition blog post: “Material management processes within hospitals have become much more sophisticated over the past decade. They no longer will “buy” a good story. They need to see the health-economic data to believe. Realized increases in value are considered hard savings. Those unrealizable cost savings that you include in your story are considered soft savings. Hospitals will hold you accountable for whatever value increase that you claim/promise your product or service will deliver.”

Slide1Hard Cost Savings Defined

The Hard Cost savings are those resource utilization reductions that are tangibly realized. Such as, your new device does the jobs of three devices.

As an example, (Price of device 1 + Price of device 2 + the Price of device 3) – The price of the new combination device = Hard cost savings.

($100.00 + $60.00 + $35.00) – $125.00 = $70.00 x 1,000 (the quantity of devices used) = $70,000 (realized cost reduction)

Soft Cost Savings Defined

Slide2The Soft Cost savings are those theoretic savings that don’t add up to a real reduction, or are those that may or may not be realized based on a probability, or those that might be saved by a department that is not in the same service line as the therapy that your new device is intended for.

Example 1: Let’s say that using your device will reduce OR time by 10 minutes per procedure.   OR time is valued at a rate of $1,000 / min. Therefore you tell the hospital that they will save $3,000 per procedure. This is a soft cost reduction. Why? The hospital has three OR suites that run concurrently. So any corresponding labor reduction won’t reduce staffing. The timesaving isn’t enough to do an extra procedure, so there is no increase in capacity. So the likelihood that the hospital will realize the benefit, in a monetary sense, is low.

Example 2: The national numbers indicate that a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) occurs for this procedure at a rate of 1/1,000 procedures.  Nationally there are 100,000 procedures done. 100 SAEs per year. Your device reduces the probability of that SAE occurring to .1/1,000, so there would be 10 SAEs per year. The cost of that SAE to the hospital is $100,000. So, Nationally the cost of those SAEs is $10 Million dollars.

The hospital you are selling to does 500 procedures per year. The probability that they will experience an SAE is .05%, not very likely. The national story is solid but the local reality is that this is a Soft Cost reduction.

Hard vs. Soft

Focus on the hard costs as a promise. The soft costs are bonus points, emphasis them in hospitals where they are more likely to matter. From example 2 above, if they are a hospital that does 10,000 procedures per year, or if they recently experienced the SAE they might be more inclined to see the benefit in the soft cost.


This post only deals with the monetization of the value proposition. If your product doesn’t add utility the cost of it doesn’t really matter.

You sell locally, not nationally. Make sure that when you localize your story it still plays. As an aside, your value proposition may not play across borders. Don’t assume, do your research.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

© 2015 The Experia Group, LLC

Value Proposition Development for Medical Devices

The Story

No story this time, sorry that I am breaking my format. As a reminder, the purpose of this blog is to share experiences and lessons from a 30-year (still going strong) career marketing Medical Devices. Not all of the lessons are directly applicable to every situation. At best I hope you gain a “golden nugget” of insight that will be helpful.

I received a phone call, after the pricing post, from a friend who asked me to layout my thinking on value proposition development. This is the response to that request.

Reminder about Value

Value is the Utility of the device divided by the cost of acquisition plus installation or other switching cost – total resource savings.


What is a Value Proposition?

The value proposition is the step between the Positioning Statement and Pricing in the Value Development Process. The diagram below is a little misleading in that it shows only one arrow.


The truth is that each step is gone through multiple times. First as a “vision”, then they are revised to a “hypothesis”, then they are revised once data is received as a “preliminary” plan, then once again after verification data is collected and again as after pre-launch market evaluations (validation).


Yes, I am sorry, that is five sets of revisions. Fortunately, the bulk of the work is done early so each subsequent revision is a matter of changing numbers or the priority of the features.

If you find yourself re-writing the value proposition every time you revise it something is wrong with the original version.

The value proposition is the gross amount of economic benefit (expressed in words and numbers) that you will deliver to the user, the economic utility. As mentioned above, it goes through a number of progressively more “proven” phases of development.

How Should I Start Thinking About the Value Proposition of My New Device?

Suffice it to say, that the sources of value (utility) are not foreign or complex. Better, faster, cheaper, simpler, safer or access to new customer based revenue are the sources. Combining the sources of value is a great way to enhance your story.   What can be very complex is, understanding the puts and takes of significant changes in the cost structure of the therapy that your new device will be used with. Even tougher is, proving that the value will be realized in a specific hospital or practice.

How Do I Start?

Start by creating a resource utilization map for the procedure that your device is used with. Find a friendly hospital/physician combination and follow the patient, with their permission, and write down, time or cost for every action, supply or RX used, from the time they are moved to the procedure suite until they are released to home, include anything they are required to take home with them. Map it. Cost it. Sum it. This becomes the source for your “vision”.


Ask yourself, with my new device, in a perfect world, how would the map change? Brainstorm the possible sources of value. There will be puts and takes (+, -). Pay particular attention to reductions is steps, reductions in meds, reductions in labor, and reductions in devices used. Also pay attention to, increases in safety, increases in clinical outcomes, increases in resource utilization, etc.

Look at the resources used in accomplishing the therapy the old way. Then inject your device into the therapy map. Measure (theoretic) change through modeling. Then work to verify and validate those changes.

Find ways of proving the value will be realized on a hospital-by-hospital basis.  Test the map with different types of hospitals, rural vs. urban, community vs. university, private vs governmental, teaching vs. non-teaching, large vs. small, etc. The most important ones will be those included in your customer profile or your segmentation and targeting.

A Good Tool

Now that you have the actual data, it is fairly simple to build an excel based cost savings calculator. Having a tool that the sale professional can use to walk the materials manager through the value story is a strong way to customize the story and make it more real for the manager.   If they give you their numbers to plug into a validated cost model it makes it real hard to argue the conclusions.

Material management processes within hospitals have become much more sophisticated over the past decade. They no longer will “buy” a good story. They need to see the health-economic data to believe. Realized increases in value are considered hard savings. Those unrealizable cost savings that you include in your story are considered soft savings. Hospitals will hold you accountable for whatever value increase that you claim/promise your product or service will deliver.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

copyright 2015 The Experia Group, LLC

Positioning Statement Development for Medical Devices

The Story

Once during a staff meeting, the marketing team was discussing the portfolio of products that were under development. Of the Product Managers gathered at that time, five of them were preparing to launch new products and two were post-opportunity recognition and pre-requirements planning.

The discussion worked its way around to the realization that only one of the seven managers had formally written the “positioning statement” for their respective products. We bantered about the question of when should you write the positioning statement for the new product. There were positions voiced around the table that ranged from, after verification testing, to after limited market evaluations.

Coming out of that meeting all seven managers were given the assignment of writing position statements for their new products.   Not surprisingly, over the next three days I was asked, “What makes a good positioning statement?” I was also asked, “Why one needed to be written them at all?”

Why write product-positioning statements?

I have always believed, that the most enjoyable part of being a Product Manager was the early phases of defining a potential new product. No boundaries, no conditions, a clean canvas upon which you painted a dreamscape for your product. This is when you reach for the stars. This creative writing exercise, for me, often resulted in two-to-five pages of text and included a description of the clinical environment, the nature of the clinician character, the problem statement, the perfect utility that the product could deliver, a forecast, a theme and never, never was restricted by the technology that was known to my company at that time. Very few of these stories have ever been read or even been seen by my colleagues. I used to think that it was a silly indulgence. What I now believe is that it is a critical aspect, which differentiates good new product definitions, from great ones.

What are marketers, if not the inventor of the story and the keepers of the vision?

Book with light

Why write them?

Simply, we need to write the Product Positioning Statements to be able to concisely describe a vision to others, so that they can join us in making that story come to life. It is our elevator pitch to the organization and parallels the sales persons elevator pitch to the clinician customer. It is the executive summary of the multi-page story.

One real benefit to me has been that writing and telling the story imprints a vision of success in my mind and spirit. These visions of success often infected those around me, and instill a sense of confidence within them.

When should we write them? 

So I think it is obvious that the value proposition should be written before the requirements planning process. The expense associated with research and other VOC activities is significant. You owe the organization a complete vision before you incur those expenses. If you can’t generate some excitement with your vision then you shouldn’t move forward, yet. Requirements planning reduces the grand story to something particle, that is tied to internal limits of resource and capability. The initial positioning statement never survives to the launch. Keep it current and revise it as needed.  Always ask the question, “Is it still worth going after?”

What makes a good one?*

For the first ten-years of my marketing career I didn’t know what made a good positioning statement.  I wrote good ones instinctively and mine were never consistent from product to product. At some point I took a class and some really smart instructors from Stanford laid out a template. I use this template as a starting point for every positioning statement I have written since then.

There are seven distinct elements required for a complete positioning statement:

  1. Customer identification
  2. Description of those customers problem
  3. The name of the product (preliminary)
  4. A basic description of the product utility
  5. A description of the components that offer the most relevant value (functional or emotional benefits)
  6. How it is different from competition
  7. Reasons to believe

 Format of a positioning statement

The statement is typically written as a single paragraph, I use two.  However, your style can vary as long as you include the seven elements, can recite it in 15 seconds, and it test as a strong statement. The paragraph typically follows the following structure:

 For… . Who… . The… . Is a… . That… . Unlike… . It… .

 Example (completely fictitious):

For the cardiovascular surgeon, who believes in the clinical benefits of beating heat surgery. The Squid is a combination rib spreader, holder, and electrical isolation device. The (that) Squid offers maximum visibility and access to the heart, hands-free stabilization and counter traction, with the added ability to electrically isolate small areas of the muscle, all to provide a still and placid surface on which to sew. Unlike many devices on the market today that perform only one of these functions and do not offer an integrated solution to the problem of high quality stitching on a beating heart, such as the: [list competition here].

The Squid (it) is offered by the leading manufacture of surgeon-focused equipment in the World today. It was designed for the unique requirements of the CV surgeon as directed by Dr. Spock, head of surgery at the Never-Never Land Heart Institute.

How strong a statement is it?

Test your statement against the following four questions:

  1. Is it compelling?
  2. Is it distinct?
  3. Is it achievable?
  4. Is it sustainable?

Have a group or independent marketers score the strength of your statement against the above four questions. Have them provide the reasons for their scores and then try to incorporate their feedback until an independent group scores you strong on all four counts. Strong, average, poor makes a good scale.

*I have committed this template to memory and I don’t have any of the original course material. There is no way I can attribute this to its source. Suffice it to say that I did not create it and take no credit for it. I have used it more than 20 times and every time the exercise has proven invaluable to me.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day!

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

Building a Medical Device Marketing Team

The Story

In my last two job assignments my role has been to build strong marketing teams. Both times there has been a nucleus of talent that were identified as “Product Managers”. These product managers had a wide variety of knowledge, skills, education, background, and ability. Each manager was a valuable asset to the department; but only a handful had the classic marketing skills and education that one would seek in a prototypical Product or Marketing manager. The choices were pretty straight forward, 1) clean house and start from scratch, 2) build and develop the people you have on board already, 3) or some hybrid. In both cases there was pressure from above to selectively clean house.

 Building a Team

Great marketing professionals come in all types of personalities, backgrounds, and education. In general terms, you need a person who is creative and disciplined, analytical and decisive, service oriented and focused, listener and doer, in short you need a schizophrenic master of all things.

Another way of looking at it is, you need many, practical, aware, mature, talent rich, knowledge rich, persons who possess all the tools that you learn in MBA classes. Or, you need a collection of professionals all who have unique skills sets that when combined give you a capability that leads to success.

In my experience it is nearly impossible to find a number of prototypical marketers with which to build a team. Too many A-players can lead to disruptive environments. Institutional memory is too important to discount. In the medical device world, technical understanding, clinical understanding, customer relationships, and marketing skills all have great value. They are seldom present in any one person, at the start.

There are so many variables in building a team that it is almost impossible to account for them all, intellectually. Sometimes it just has to feel right. What I look for in a team member are the intangibles.

  • Positive attitude
  • Appropriate motivation
  • Ability and willingness to learn
  • Strong communications skills
  • Situational awareness

The tangible aspects of the team members are that they must bring significant value. The value typically manifests in a specific knowledge or experience base and are more than likely surrounding one or more of the following:

  • Technical knowledge
  • Clinical knowledge
  • Process skills
  • Marketing skills
  • Relationships
  • History

If your team members bring value and have all the intangibles (core skills) you are likely to be able to build a team that will be successful.

Framework for successful teams
Framework for successful teams


My advice

Set a timeline for yourself to evaluate the current team members in several different settings, say 90-180 days. Be intentional about that activity. Hold yourself accountable for personal de-briefing sessions. If at anytime you determine that a team member is lacking in one of the above five areas or does not bring significant content value, start planning an exit strategy for them.

 Watch out

Make sure that your direct supervisor understands what your approach will be and fully supports your approach. Evaluation over a 90-180 period might look like a lack of leadership or decisiveness. Don’t make that mistake; keep your chain of command fully informed.

 My answer

A hybrid approach to building the initial team has been my choice every time. After the evaluation period it becomes pretty clear who will stay and who will go. It is not always clear when the change needs to happen. Do I think that cleaning house has a place, yes I do. Do I believe that building a team without any change to personnel is possible, yes.   If you do clean house be prepared for significant disruption and long nights.  If you don’t clean house, be prepared for a slow, patient, teaching process.

In my career, I have only needed to make three (3) changes out of 60 inherited team members.  By choosing to develop team members and let them contribute the value they brought to the team I have accepted the responsibility to teach. Fortunately or unfortunately I have a teaching gene.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

Pricing a New Medical Device

The Story

A prospective client approached me recently who needed help in setting the price for the new medical device they were about to commercialize. We sat down to go over the project and they indeed needed help. The first thing he told me was that they needed a 65% margin and the fully burden manufacturing cost of the device was expected to be $50.00, the plan was to price the device at $150.00.

I said great! You have met your goals. He stared at me for a while and then said, “but I think it is worth a lot more than $150.00.” As he got up and started to leave I said, “Why do you think it is worth more than $150.00?” He responded, “if they use my device instead of how they do it today, they can save time, reduce nursing injuries, and reduce their stocking inventories”.

The prospective client had put the cart before the horse, and instinctively knew it.

Understanding the value proposition of the device (the devices utility), in the eyes of the clinician users and economic buyers, is the first step. Pricing is the monetizing of that value, the second step.

 Pricing Strategy

I am a big fan of writing out your pricing strategy very early in the commercialization process. Start with your financial goals, your unit / time goals, your situational analysis and the value proposition. Craft a sentence that best describes your intentions with respect to pricing an elevator speech for the sales force.

We will set our price, to ensure that we signal a congruent message with our value proposition, garner at least 50% of the added value of our widget, we will be profitable and we will be 80% confident that the price will not become a barrier to success in more than 20% of the A accounts.


The art of monetizing value, pricing, is just that an art. I have spent as much as $140,000 doing value + pricing studies. I’ve spent as little as nothing. You need to do a situational review before you set off on value or price determination. By understanding the situation you can “right size” your effort (risk stratify the work). This is especially important for start-ups who need efficiency over effectiveness.

With setting price, it is never one size fits all. Here is a partial list of the questions that will lead you to understanding your pricing situation better:

What is the nature of the product that you are launching?

  • Commodity
  • Line extension
  • Line expansion
  • New product area within your current portfolio
  • New portfolio
  • Disruptive technology

What is the nature of the market into which you are launching the product?

  • Current geography or new geography
  • New segment or current segment
  • New customer base or current base
  • New channel or current channel
  • Will there be value added services or not

Determine the risk if you under or over value the product?

  • How forgiving have your customers been historically
  • Do they give you second bites at the apple
  • What are the consequences if you price incorrectly out of the gate?
    1. Do you slow the momentum down
    2. Do you cast doubt in the minds of the customers about the value of the product
  • What will the competitive response be to a pricing error?

Watch out!

It is critical that your value proposition and your price point support each other. If you are talking about the device as, the greatest advancement of the therapy and you price it at the same price point of old technology, it sets up a disconnect in the hearts of the target customer. You have to resolve that disconnect before they will emotionally accept the value story.

Message Congruence
Message Congruence

So how do I set a price?

I am not trying to be disingenuous, but it depends.   As a general rule of thumb, I try to split the increased value with the customer. For example, if my perspective client demonstrated an increase in hard value of 30% over the current state of the art product, I would increase my price, volume for volume, by 30% over the competition, hoping to realize 15%.


In the medical device space there are always nuances that need to be taken into account. Reimbursement and service line profitability are always two potential barriers to realizing the true value of a new product. If the hospital service can absorb the premium and there are savings within that service then you may get the full value of the device. However, when you are selling into a service line that is barely profitable and you are changing their reimbursement/cost relationship, you may not get all you had hoped for.

A Happy Ending

We did the work to determine the added utility that the product in question brought to the critical care nurses and it came out to a 100% increase over the current technique. Total cost for the current technique was monetized at $308.00. Some of that 100% was based on a reduction of inventory cost, some was on saving time and some was on increased safety for the nurses (a reduction in lost time accidents). So our hypothesized price point was $600, not the $150 that the client has targeted.

We tested the monetization with a few nurse managers and no matter how much evidence we showed them, they just could not get their minds and hearts to accept the $600 value. Strategically, if we had priced the device at the point that we could justify, we would have either slowed acceptance, lowered demand, or failed all together.

Because the risk of being wrong had both a high probability (based on the initial qualitative interviews) and a high severity (given the financial state of the company) additional testing was warranted. We surveyed 30 key customers in the US. We selected the Van Westendorp PSM technique as our methodology. We discovered that 65% of our 30 surveyed customers would consider the product a good value between $300 – $400 dollars. An additional 23% indicated that they would consider $400 – $500 too expensive for general use, but would still purchase the device.   Historically, I would have set the price point in the $450.00 range. There is typically a low bias when using survey methods to determine price points. However, in this case we set the Average Selling Price at $375.00 and held firm to that target.   List price was set at $400.00.

We exceeded the target profit margin, we garnered a premium over current technology, and we did not inhibit the sales process. A win-win-win result!\

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

Annual Product Performance Reviews for Medical Devices

Last night, at 1:34 AM, I was awoken by a chirping smoke alarm, indicating that it needed to have a new battery installed.

After finding the ladder and the new battery, quickly making the change and jumping back into bed, I started thinking about how that experience paralleled my work history.

The Story

In the early 80’s, as a young product manager I received a call from a production supervisor telling me that my biggest selling, most differentiated, oldest, product line was suffering from a 10% manufacturing yield and that I should get ready for significant, sustained back orders. I wasn’t paying attention to my all-star product; I had moved on to more creative work. This is when I instituted the, “Annual Product Performance Review” (APPR).

Discipline vs. Creativity

If I had only replaced all the smoke alarm batteries when I was supposed to, I would not have been shaken from a good night sleep. Discipline often escapes the truly creative person. As a product manager you need both discipline and creativity. One way to manage these sometimes opposing attributes is to schedule the maintenance activities surrounding a downtime in your otherwise busy calendar. Never schedule them during sales meeting prep time, never during trade show season, etc.

Annual Product Performance Reviews, the minimum

I call this maintenance activity an APPR. As a product manager we have to care for our product lines, particularly when they have been on the market for a while and the excitement of the launch has worn off. Spending one day a year, on each of your product lines is a minimal amount of your time invested that could prevent you from being shaken from a good night sleep by an overlooked issue. What kind of an issue? Quality shifts, pricing slip, share slip, new competitive entry, shifting sales force focus, slipping gross margins, resurgence, increasing complaint levels all these potential issues are leading indicators of critical times for your product line.

The APPR can be done anytime of year. At its core, is a year-over-year comparison of key metrics. The more years you have data for, the more likely you are to see a trend. It is good to partner with finance or IT the first time you conduct this type of analysis to make sure your data sources are complete and comparable. For some product lines a monthly review may be more appropriate.

Each APPR took a day and included a review of the following metrics:

  • Units, total
  • Unit, mix
  • Average selling price (ASP)
  • ASP by mix
  • Complaint rate by type or category
  • Manufacturing yields
  • Gross margins (GM)
  • Revenue
  • Revenue distribution my geography
  • Revenue distribution by sales territory
  • Number of active accounts
  • Number of accounts that went inactive over the past 12 months

These metrics are all loaded into a simple excel file, which automatically did the year-over-year trend comparison and some simple charting. The output was the APPR dashboard. Often this dashboard pointed towards areas that needed my attention and a bit of investigative work.

Today, I have created custom dashboards in that provides real time comparisons for new product launches, after one-year the dashboard changes to a periodic based trend analysis that has taken the place of the APPR dashboard. The important thing is to monitor the product lines you are responsible for and take nothing for granted. This is a good application of the, “productive paranoia” concept that Jim Collins discusses in his book, Great by Choice.

A Happy Ending

So what happened with the product that had the yield issue? After managing a yield of 10% and all the logistical and customer service issues that resulted, for over a year, a new manufacturing process was validated and up and running.   The product was re-launched and regained 96% of it former share dominance.  The product was just that good. The customers allowed us a second bite of the apple.

Since instituting the APPR, have I been shaken from a goodnight sleep by unanticipated product issues?   Of course, the key being unanticipatedunpredictable or random issues.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

 Tim Walker

 Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

What is marketing?

By Tim Walker

What is marketing?

Have you ever tried to explain what it is you do and fumbled with the answer?   Explaining what marketing is to my father has proven a significant challenge. He grew up in a time when there was just “Sales”. I often tried to use the “Mr. Spock” quote, “The good of the many out ways the needs of the few, or the one.” The idea that Sales serves the one, Marketing serves the many. In a business-to-clinician (B2C) setting, sales and marketing are connected at a level that requires significant two-way communication. An interdependent relationship, neither can succeed without the other. Neither is first nor more important. Both are critical elements in the strategic marketing flow.

Strategic marketing flow

 Marketing defined

For me, marketing is the ethical application of applied psychology, with the intent of changing a targeted group of humans behaviors. In our case, delivering a message in the “language” of the user that will motivate them to modify their clinical practice, product choice or perception about their definition of value.

When I use the word “language” above, I don’t simply mean the words, or even the media, that they are delivered with. I mean the application of a deep understanding, at an emotional level, of the target audience. That you thoroughly understand what makes the target audience, mad, sad, glad, fearful, hopeful and envious. Understanding the full gambit of emotions that your target audience experiences in their practice and letting that come through in your messaging will help you connect with them, making your messaging all that much more persuasive.

 “Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.

Medical Device Marketing Insights Introduction


Medical Device Marketing Insights is a blog all about the lessons I have learned over a 30-year career commercializing Medical Devices. Sharing these lessons with you is my way of paying it forward. Hopefully you will not make the same mistakes that I have by gaining some insight from my stories. All of the stories are based in real life experiences. I may, from time to time, disguise certain aspects of the stories, names, times, places, companies, etc. to protect the innocent.

Don’t get me wrong; I have had great success in commercializing medical devices in a wide range of therapeutic areas. I estimate that those devices produce some $300 million in annual revenue for companies whose names you would recognize immediately. More important to me than the revenue, is that these products serve thousands of physicians and other healthcare professionals every day so they have better tools with which to perform their miracles. Those miracles impact hundreds of thousands of lives each day. Family, friends and humans all over the globe are positively impacted by the work that we all do.

In time, I hope this blog will become a safe sharing site for experiences that, with a bit of insight from the readers, will provide wisdom for those who participate regularly.

Topics that I plan to write about include: pricing strategy, clinical messaging, trade show optimization, market research, positioning, value propositions and many more. With each blog posting I hope to provoke discussion, welcoming your comments.

“Experience is what you get, right after you need it most.”

Make it a great day,

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is the Principal consultant for The Experia Group. A small consulting firm that specializes in providing experience and expertise during critical device commercialization phases to increase the probability of success.